



area The catalogue contains 15598 events localized with the procedures described in the following pages in the geographic area shown in the left-hand figure.
We excluded From the calculated localizations those with a minimum distance from the first station > 60 km and those with a number of phases < 6 and recognized blasts/quarry blasts
The magnitudes, calculated with the procedures described in the following pages, range from 0.1 to 4.6.

The distribution of the events per year (right-hand figure) evidences a remarkable increase of the events since 2006. It is important to keep in mind that before 2005 the only dial_up regional stations were those of the Marche Region. Only in early 2005, the Department of Civil Defence made available to INGV the stand-alone data logger MARS88 (not used by the National Seismic Service) and funded their upgrade to dial_up modality. At the end of 2005, the INGV redistribuited the dial_up equipment to some local/regional bodies formerly in charge of managing the SSN network, thus allowing an improvement of the monitoring activity on the regional/local scale.
dati The right-hand figure also shows that about 50% of the used data were recorded only by the stations of the Seismic National Network.This can be due to the fact that the regional stations work in dial_up modality, with a network triggerthat varies from one network to another and that is less sensitive than those used by the Seismic National Network.

pushDownload CICO1d (csv tar.gz file whith header).